pretty women

美 [ˈprɪti ˈwɪmən]英 [ˈprɪti ˈwɪmɪn]
  • 网络漂亮女人
pretty womenpretty women
  1. Amelia : Is that why he got close-up shots of all of the pretty women and none of the other guests ?


  2. Under the circumstances , she did not need to carry herself as pretty women do . " I know a few good-looking broads ," Johnny said jokingly .


  3. But there were pretty women everywhere he traveled .


  4. All the pretty women wore their smartest dresses .


  5. Pretty women are less likely than plain Janes to offer to contribute towards the bill on a first date , research shows .


  6. Whether it 's in the office or in the courtroom , a new study backs up the belief that pretty women can broker deals more easily .


  7. Whether it 's in the office or in the courtroom , a new study backs up the belief that pretty women can broker deals more easily 。


  8. He looks like a terrible monster , part human and part pig , who often gets himself and his companions into trouble through his laziness , gluttony , and propensity for lusting after pretty women .


  9. Such as old senators who like pretty young women .


  10. Only the inexperienced and least qualified get promoted because the boss likes pretty young women .


  11. Italian beauty is defined by extremely pretty Mediterranean women who have olive tanned skin , brown hair with a nice aura and character which makes them truly gorgeous .


  12. And the scenes from New York venues that have hosted the get-togethers , showing pretty young women hanging off the arms off much older men only add to the sleaziness factor .


  13. Pretty soon more women will be working in this country than men .


  14. Some of the rare , pretty and bold women in this world come from Ukraine .


  15. Men were easily distracted when they saw a pretty face but women stuck to the task .


  16. Too many companies still view men as the primary wage earner : younger women are there to look pretty and older women to do the drudgery .


  17. Are singing , dancing , drinking alcohol , joking , staying with handsome and pretty men and women , boys and girls national happiness .


  18. LI He , the talented poet in mid-Tang Dynasty , skillfully and vividly portrayed a group of pretty and depressed women as the symbols of the ideal life .


  19. Girls in pretty dresses and women in black chadors waved to the revolutionaries from the rooftops , egging them on to Colonel Qaddafi 's compound .


  20. I 'm pretty sure that most women 's magazines .


  21. He could not help seeing that you were about five times as pretty as every other women in the room .


  22. Women who are not so pretty but are nice women have no money . Others , however , charge a lot yet the food is lousy .


  23. A wise patriarch is pretty careful to select women of sound heritage , as a gardener is careful to select the proper strain for grafting a branch .
